为推动中美高校教师汉语文化及其教学的理论与实践研究,促进学科建设和人才培养,促进相关领域的教师、学者、专家之间的学术交流与合作,由中美高校中文教师联盟(筹)主办,厦门大学国际中文教育4166全球赢家的信心/海外教育4166全球赢家的信心承办的首届“中美高校中文教师联盟研讨会”拟于2024年5月31日 - 6月2日在厦门大学举行。本次论坛将不安排线上报告及参会,现将相关事项通知如下:
1. 本届论坛将针对后疫情全球中文教育项目设计与课堂教学发展路径展开深入的研讨,其主题包括但不限于以下内容:
a. 后疫情时代汉语/文化课程、课堂的理论探索与实践研究
b. 后疫情时代高校中文教育大势及海外学习项目调整、研究及创新
c. 人工智能/计算机/互联网与汉语/文化教学的关系及影响
d. 语言学、语用学在汉语教学中的运用
e. 国际中文教育教师发展/汉硕专业人才培养
f. 汉语语言文字学与国际中文教育
g. 华裔汉语、专业用途汉语及汉语语言技能的培训与水平测试
1. 本研讨会欢迎与会议主题密切相关的摘要,研究报告请提交一页A4篇幅摘要,包含研究概述、实施情况及结果,建议篇幅为300-600字之间。
1. 会议研究报告摘要,请于2024年3月31日前以电子邮件附件形式发送给会务组:
英文摘要请提交至 Dr. Sijia Yao at Soka University of America, 邮箱:syao@soka.edu。
2. 摘要录用通知将于2024年4月20日前发至提交者邮箱。
地址:中国福建省厦门市翔安南路厦门大学翔安校区坤銮楼(主楼群二号楼) 厦门大学国际中文教育4166全球赢家的信心,“中美高校中文教师汉语文化研究与教学论坛” 会务组,邮编:361102
The 2024 Symposium of China-U.S. Alliance of College Teachers of Chinese
Theory and Practice of International Chinese Language Education in the New Era
The 2024 Forum on the Theory and Practice of International Chinese Language Education in the New Era, hosted by the China-U.S. Alliance of College Teachers of Chinese (the Preparatory Committee) and undertaken by Xiamen University, will be held from May 31 to June 2, 2024, at Xiamen University. The Forum aims to promote research on the theory and share best practices of teaching Chinese language and culture among the U.S. and Chinese faculty teaching at the college level, facilitate disciplinary development and skills training, and strengthen academic exchanges and cooperation among the U.S. and Chinese university teachers, scholars, and experts. This forum will be a complete in-person event, and it will include keynote speeches and research presentations.
We are now calling for abstracts of papers and looking forward to contributions from scholars as well as teaching professionals as we explore opportunities, challenges, and trends in Chinese language teaching in China and the U.S., thereby advancing our profession.
(I) Date
The Forum will be held from May 31 to June 2, 2024, with registration on May 31, 2024.
(II) Venue
Xiamen University, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China
To address the new problems, challenges, and potential solutions in the post-pandemic CSL/fields, this Forum welcomes research and pedagogic innovations in the related topics, but are not limited to the following:
(I)Theoretical and pedagogical inventions in course design, material development, and classroom practices in the post-pandemic era
(II) Post-pandemic trends of Chinese language/culture programs and the study abroad programs
(III) The Relationship and impact of Artificial Intelligence on Chinese language/culture teaching and learning
(IV) Applied linguistics in teaching Chinese as a Second Language (CSL)
(V)Teacher training and professional development on teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages
(VI) Chinese philology and CSL
(VII)Chinese Proficiency Assessment Standards for CSL
Experts and scholars in the field of Chinese language education, Chinese language teaching professionals, and graduate students are welcome to participate in the Forum. Abstracts are encouraged, but not required for those who only choose to participate without a presentation.
III. Abstract Submission and Paper Publication
(I) Requirements for the submission of abstracts
The forum welcomes abstracts that are closely related to the themes.
Abstracts may be submitted in either Chinese or English. Please submit a one-page abstract with 300-600 words under the title of “Abstract of Research Presentation,” which includes a research overview, implementation schedule, and results. Please provide the author’s information, including name, affiliation, email address, and phone number, which will be collected for compiling the directory of attendees.
1. Please send your abstract as an email attachment to the forum organizing committee by March 31, 2024:
In English, please submit it to Dr. Sijia Yao at Soka University of America, email: syao@soka.edu.
In Chinese, please send it to Professor Zhu Yu, School of International Chinese Education/School of Overseas Education, Xiamen University, email: zhuyu@xmu.edu.cn.
2. Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent to the submitter’s email address before April 20, 2024.
To encourage participation in the first forum of the Alliance, the forum registration fee will be waived for all participants. However, participants need to bear their own round-trip travel and accommodation expenses.
1. Mailing address
Chinese International Education College (Overseas Education College), Xiamen University, Kunluan Building (Building #2 of the main building complex), Xiang’an Campus, Xiang’an Road, Xiamen, Fujian Province, P.R. China.
Organizing committee of the China-U.S. College Alliance Forum (The 3rd Xiamen University-Purdue University International Forum on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language). Postal code: 361102
2.Contacts: Xu Jiaojiao, TEL: 0592-2187728,Email: huiwu@xmu.edu.cn
For more information, please check us out on WeChat official account of “厦门大学国际中文教育(Xiamen University Chinese International Education)” or the website (http://oec.xmu.edu.cn/).